Our Team
Meet the team working to provide access to resources, programs, and services to improve the lives of Virginians.
Who We Are
211 Virginia Leadership Team
Anne Marie Green
CEO, Council of Community Services
(540) 339-9159 annemarieg@councilofcommunityservices.org -
Margaret Telsch-Williams
Director of Information & Referral Services
(540) 354-0758 margarettw@councilofcommunityservices.org -
Amanda Holcomb
Director of Community Engagement
(540) 353-9889 amandah@councilofcommunityservices.org Amanda is the point of contact for state agencies and partners and West Central (WCVA) Region.
Robert F. Morrow
Director of Data Analytics
(540) 524-8740 robertm@councilofcommunityservices.org -
Kathy Spangler
Virginia Department of Social Services
(804) 567-0039 Kathy.Spangler@dss.virginia.gov 211 Virginia is a contracted service of the Commonwealth of Virginia, administered by the Virginia Department of Social Services.
Community Engagement Team
Mary Monaco
Team Lead/Community Engagement Specialist - Northwest
(540) 597-8903 marym@councilofcommunityservices.org Mary is the point of contact for Northwest Region (NWVA) and VDEM Regions 2 & 3.
Darion Boisseau
Community Engagement Specialist - Northern
(703) 712-2722 darionb@councilofcommunityservices.org Darion is the point of contact for Northern Region (NOVA) and VDEM Region 7.
Nelson Diaz
Community Engagement Specialist - East Central
(804) 650-0501 nelsond@councilofcommunityservices.org Hablo Espanol
Nelson is the point of contact for East Central Region (ECVA) and VDEM Region 1.
Lori Rouse Mann
Community Engagement Specialist - Southwest
(276) 698-7508 lorirm@councilofcommunityservices.org Lori is the point of contact for Southwest Region (SWVA) and VDEM Region 4 & 6.
Brittney Boyd
Community Engagement Specialist - Southeast
(757) 712-2722 brittneyb@councilofcommunityservices.org Hablo Espanol
Brittney is the point of contact for Southeast Region (SEVA) and VDEM Region 5.
Our Partnership with
Virginia Department of Social Services
211 Virginia is a contracted service of the Commonwealth of Virginia, administered by the Virginia Department of Social Services. VDSS is one of the largest Commonwealth agencies, partnering with 120 local departments of social services, along with faith-based and nonprofit organizations, to promote the well-being of children and families statewide.
We work each day to serve, empower, and create opportunities for brighter futures.